
My friend Janessa dove often accuses me of being too picky when it comes to men. I hadnt given it much thought until this morning it came to me that i just really really really want to date someone who looks and sounds just like Jon Bon Jovi and i see no reason to settle for anything less. (i think it is his hair -he has such awesome hair now!) And he doesn't have to be a model/singer/actor like Jon-he can have whatever multi-million dollar career he wants!! How open and flexible is that!?!?! so not picky at all!
In other news-i had a dream last night that i was wearing some pinky/red pair of slingbacks with white tennis socks.
And i have made an important new discovery. try it! you'll like it or your money back!
Wooot! Carol got hired permanent like at morgan stanley(?) -stanley morgan(?) (i just can never remember the right order)
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