i give up

i have exhausted myself searching for the dress heidi klum was strutting on the project runway runway with. It was just such a short hideous pink mess of a cinched in sack, I felt that everyone who wasnt a fan would be able to appreciate the bad fashion that is judging bad fashion. The Klum is uber pregnant in the early episodes so it is rather hilarious how they refuse to give her more material to cloth herself than when she is her normal non-pregers self. I would also like to point out that a google image search for baby seals delivers just as many pics of a heidi klum in a swimsuit as photos of gwenyth paltrow and her baby. Makes no sense to me but the internet has decided there is a correlation and one should never argue with teh interweb.
Despite the distraction of giant belly buttons popping out, there were some other highlights to last nights episodes. There was much disappointment when Heidi Standridge (whiny ass sugar mouthed pipshit) got sent packing on the first episode. She was the unanimous selection as the designated bag of trash for us to mock and hate for season. However bravo expertly balanced the void of a wendy pepper with Zulema. Her hair alone is grounds for elimination. Because of the unwarranted display of tears and since we are cold-hearted bithces we have also decided to place Andre on a probation-teetering on the line of we can't stand you. And becuase we are also terribly shallow we have decided to love and cherish Raymundo (too too too adorable to be straight of course) It is rather obvious that this season has a lot more people that actually know how to design and sew however they are plenty of losers waiting to be given the Klum Auf Wiedersehen.
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