
i feel like i am in high school algebra class. Totally bored and afraid to pass notes and make noise lest i get the attention of the teacher. I have a box of christmas cards glaring at me on my desk which i am steadfastly trying to ignore by playing web soduko and looking at crap here. At least my boredom will end a half hour earlier today since i expertly negotiated a swap for leaving early instead of taking a lunch break. I would feel more smug about it but i am still naseous from the greasy breakfast i ate this morning. I forgot that after a lengthy absense greasy breakfast will haunt you for the rest of the day.
I totally blame my current state on the WB for airing a dumb american girl movie instead of a new gilmore girls-i so need a wine and gg fix right now. Instead i had to make do watchin Bones and House on Fox. Neither was that bad or that great but i think that is the definition of Fox scheduling these days.
Is time to satisfy my champagne taste on a beer budget with a cheetos and tea break. Will try and perk up for a better post thurs.
For your added pleasure i finished my list and you can check it out 100 things about me link.
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