What a Beastly Day!

um anyone turning 13 today??? actually has been like a day of summer vacation rather than a day from hell
Morning started with some lite voting a lil Arco stop for cheap(est) gas ($3.13) in town and some gourmet fresh coffee. I was actually hoping to be running late to work because our system can be relied on to fail every tuesday morning until at least 10. At least we were all prepared with magazines and even a laptop to watch 50 first dates. Hence the adam sandler pics.
the day flew by while i did a marathon of word mines Ooo and some work here and there of course. To celebrate the mark of the beast i had a burrito with my mom al fresco. Were not only did my mom have my blacks slacks that she hemmed for me but also my brother gifted me seriously all the snap-off blade supplies i could ever dream of.

If he thinks this counts as a birthday gift (T-21 days) it will actually pathetically be the only time he has ever remembered. So what do i really want for my brithday?? Not sure yet but THIS is giving me some ideas. ;)
Hope everyone is having a bedeviled day!

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