Employee of the Week

Yesterday was quite a momentous occassion -had lunch with my supervisor (this makes it the 4th time i have seen her since i was interviewed in August) for the company i work for but dont do any work for since i am contracted out to another one. Is there anything more awesome than going to a "work" lunch but not talking about work at all since my supervisor doesnt even know/care/control any of the work i really do and it gets put on the company credit card?? I know i made a stellar impression since i let her have my pickle- I am such a brown-noser sometimes it makes me sick ;) To add another punch line to a joke of a job that i have-ALL of our work programs are down until next week. So all that stress over having to pretend to fill my days with productiveness has been lifted -really makes me soo much more productive and has given me plenty of time to dedicate to my new favorite game on yahoo Gem Shop.
Tomorrow i will be playing hookie from work and be at the student career forum for interior design in SF. Am really looking forward to learning about the field and getting insider tips and just absorbing all the experiense and expertise that will be there. Did any of you buy that load of bullshit?? -i am going for the goodie bag and a chance to crash at my cousins apartment for a night.
L-39 (1 non-clothes purchasing lent day down- 39 to go)
My super special friend Oskar Newty picked my up for lunch with her sidekick Meowrice. We had a nice feast at the Quizno's (yeah i know has been franchised to death and is total crap but hey i had a coupon).
Unfortunately my class ran hecka late last night so Lost was being recorded by my dear brudder. Even more unfort-the tape wasnt rewound all the way first so i missed the last 10-15 mins of the show. So if anyone would like to whip up a brief yet informative sysnopsis and email it to me i would lurve u 4evah.
Last night was another new episode of Project Runway. I think the best part of the show would be the part where i was eating potato and cheese perogies on the couch with Oskar during this episode. Was kinda funny how they brougth all the designers back for the final three to choose and assistant (all the money for 3 more seconds of Guadalupe -was it really worth it Bravo??) Shocker that Chloe picked Diana (stupid stupid stupid did you not see 7 ft Emmett there???) Nice that Andre and Santino are together again. I totally think Santino choose Andrea just to give Timm Gunn another chance to ask Andrea out to Red Lobster. My fingers are crossed that those two crazy kids make it-truly a match made in heaven.
Will be running around like crazy tonight
Have to:
1) go to yoga so jennifer and i can get the giggles and make juvenile snarky comments about fat people in our class
2) laundry
3)buy some wine as a thank-you for my cousin and thus guaranteeing we will have something to get drunk on tomorrow night
4) pack my overnight bag and carebear sleeping bag
5) debate whether to bring a regular legal pad or one of my crazy ass japanese stationary notebooks to the convention.
6) get gas in the Camry of Love and please god dont let me forget the map book
7) reset alarm clock to wake me up at Butt Fuck A.M.
8) man i know i am forgetting something
oooooh yeah totally have to do some Jonathon Rhys Meyers tonight-

Yeah so like i said i will be MIA tomorrow and sooo have a classic weekend and I'll catch you on the flipside.
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