Accesories-my first Love
Every once in a while i go on an accessory buying binge. I am STARVING for some new earrings and necklaces ooh and braclets oh gosh and i really like glass rings now and umm did i mention i need earrings....

Adorably available in 9 different colors on the inside. How much do i want the Plum Lined one??? more than life itself at the moment.
Take Me i am YOURS. i am just helpless to resist these. Of anything these are the ones i am most likely to buy basically cuz i havent seen anything like them in the stores.

I am Gobsmacked with WANT over this necklace. True this whole wing trend is well a trend but I rue the day when there is no room for CUTE in my wardrobe.

Everyone has a type. Mine just happens to be silver bangles. True these are open like a cuff but when you can stack them lets be honest that is PURE Bangle Behavior.

To be quite frank i did admire the neckalce of this just a tad bit more but this runner-up had the better detailed pic. Just think it floats better when attached to a longer chain that these earrings do.

Hmmm Intriging. Okay i am listening - you are a bracelet you say??? Hmmm not quite getting that Acrylic you say?? My My my you do look delicious and graceful. I may not be crushing on you quite yet but a harmless flirt wont hurt anyone.
More fashion style design sites for you pleasure.
Far Too Cute
and had to share this even though i nor anyone i knows has kids. From ModernMini

Adorably available in 9 different colors on the inside. How much do i want the Plum Lined one??? more than life itself at the moment.


I am Gobsmacked with WANT over this necklace. True this whole wing trend is well a trend but I rue the day when there is no room for CUTE in my wardrobe.

Everyone has a type. Mine just happens to be silver bangles. True these are open like a cuff but when you can stack them lets be honest that is PURE Bangle Behavior.

To be quite frank i did admire the neckalce of this just a tad bit more but this runner-up had the better detailed pic. Just think it floats better when attached to a longer chain that these earrings do.

Hmmm Intriging. Okay i am listening - you are a bracelet you say??? Hmmm not quite getting that Acrylic you say?? My My my you do look delicious and graceful. I may not be crushing on you quite yet but a harmless flirt wont hurt anyone.
More fashion style design sites for you pleasure.
Far Too Cute
and had to share this even though i nor anyone i knows has kids. From ModernMini

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