they're Baaaaaaack!
Oh how i love it! Heidi and TIm and Michael and Nina are back again! Unofrch after one espisode of season 3 i am already annoyed at Bravo for whoring out the great Tim sayings (Make it work) totally turning a classic character into a cartoon. STOP IT BRAVO STOP IT! (Am equally annoyed at the commercials for that lame-ass show Work Out or whatevs they called it no one like working out let alone whatching people fitter than you do it either. blaaaah)
Anways on to the good stuff the designers! As Oskar is my witness i toally called the elimated designer. They just featured her way way way too much in one episode for her to kept around. It was just kinder all around too to knock off the one who couldnt even use the sewing machines. whatta marla. Not even going to waste my time putting up her pic

The first winner was Kieth-horrible dark pic of the dress
but that is what they had online

They are already setting up Jeffrey to be the next Santino. Somehow i dont see this guy coming up with a brilliant imaginary Tim and Andre-esque romance or a PR musical. He kinda bugs but not full blown annoyance YET. but i am not sure if i am willing to give a Detroit script neck tattoo another chance.

Was really hard to get a read on the other designers. Have yet to select the hated ones or the ones to champion. Oskar and i really like these designs:
Uli-This dress looked so killer going down the runway

Robert who kinda grates on the nerves acting like an 11 yr boy in a 37 yr old body

When will the bravo site get the hint to include back shots? This dress was way stylish and cute and the back was really cool.
I already dig Laura and not just because she has the greatest name in the universe. AM intrigued by her architecture back round so she already knows design from a totally different perspective than clothing.

In terms of innovation i thought Michaels was the best. He stayed away from just grabbing the obvious bedsheets and leather from chairs. One doesnt think coffee filters when they see this they think it was really great design.

the rest were some dull crap
Bradley's (who totally reminds me of the lead singer to the Spin Doctors thus inspiring instant unwarranted loathing)

Vincent -if i said he is crazy dishwater to me would the rest of you understood what i meant by that. basically dull and uninspired with a coating of insanity

Allison-def the prettiest of the designers so i wonder if she will want to toss out her model and just walk the runway herself ;)

Angela- striking but i dont get why she included a sholder throw of fake flowers. was kinda tacky

Bonnie -did no one tell her that size 0 models dont have any breasts whatsoever??


Kayne-think this one had a really neat back but whose to say from this view

malan -who really realy wants you to know he was born in Taiwan -has already been rechristened Ducky by Oskar

Despite all this my favorite part of Epsiode 1 was when they all went back to their Atlas apartments after shreading them for materials only to find the MESS they all left behind WAS STILL THERE! hahahahahha!
Once again the winning designs are being auctioned online LINK
Anways on to the good stuff the designers! As Oskar is my witness i toally called the elimated designer. They just featured her way way way too much in one episode for her to kept around. It was just kinder all around too to knock off the one who couldnt even use the sewing machines. whatta marla. Not even going to waste my time putting up her pic

The first winner was Kieth-horrible dark pic of the dress
but that is what they had online

They are already setting up Jeffrey to be the next Santino. Somehow i dont see this guy coming up with a brilliant imaginary Tim and Andre-esque romance or a PR musical. He kinda bugs but not full blown annoyance YET. but i am not sure if i am willing to give a Detroit script neck tattoo another chance.

Was really hard to get a read on the other designers. Have yet to select the hated ones or the ones to champion. Oskar and i really like these designs:
Uli-This dress looked so killer going down the runway

Robert who kinda grates on the nerves acting like an 11 yr boy in a 37 yr old body

When will the bravo site get the hint to include back shots? This dress was way stylish and cute and the back was really cool.
I already dig Laura and not just because she has the greatest name in the universe. AM intrigued by her architecture back round so she already knows design from a totally different perspective than clothing.

In terms of innovation i thought Michaels was the best. He stayed away from just grabbing the obvious bedsheets and leather from chairs. One doesnt think coffee filters when they see this they think it was really great design.

the rest were some dull crap
Bradley's (who totally reminds me of the lead singer to the Spin Doctors thus inspiring instant unwarranted loathing)

Vincent -if i said he is crazy dishwater to me would the rest of you understood what i meant by that. basically dull and uninspired with a coating of insanity

Allison-def the prettiest of the designers so i wonder if she will want to toss out her model and just walk the runway herself ;)

Angela- striking but i dont get why she included a sholder throw of fake flowers. was kinda tacky

Bonnie -did no one tell her that size 0 models dont have any breasts whatsoever??


Kayne-think this one had a really neat back but whose to say from this view

malan -who really realy wants you to know he was born in Taiwan -has already been rechristened Ducky by Oskar

Despite all this my favorite part of Epsiode 1 was when they all went back to their Atlas apartments after shreading them for materials only to find the MESS they all left behind WAS STILL THERE! hahahahahha!
Once again the winning designs are being auctioned online LINK
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