Heidi just cant say No
The designers actually got along, Uli was making jokes that were funny and Tim was sashaying through the workroom with his usual good cheer and parental support of the designers. And the icing on the serendipity cake was that NONE of the last FOUR got kicked off. The jaded lil devil that sits on my shoulder believes that this is because bravo was going to shell out the money for all four to do a line so might as well get more air time out of it. but this lil imp also told me that it was okay to shoplift Kool aid when i was 9 so lets not listen to it anymore.

Woot Woot Uli gets a win.

Laura gets by with another pretty deep V dress.

As the most hetero male this show has seen, Michael struggles with the concept that the womens wants the boobies contained.

Sighhhh. No jeffrey no you dont do romantic. At all.