Holiday Sweater TIME! ROCK ON ROCK ON!
1 Santa on a coffee mug
On the second day of Christmas my co-workers gave to me
2 awesome turtlenecks
On the third day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
3 itchy wool holiday sweaters
On the Fourth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
4 office party invites
On the Fifth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
5 days OFF
On the Sixth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
6 boxes of See's
On the Seventh day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
7 generic e cards
On the eighth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
8 funny Santa joke forwards
On the Ninth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
9 stale sugar cookies
On the Tenth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
10 pints of eggnog
On the Eleventh day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
11 dollar store items
On the twelfth day of xmas my co-workers gave to me
12 reason to find a new job
Merry Christmas everyone
I wont be back to work until Thurs so until then enjoy the links list on my 100 things about me page and have a happy and safe holiday wherever you are!
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