Run-A-way EVIL

christ he looks like the monster that is controlling his craziness is about to jump out of his head and rip heidi klum's seal baby out to eat it! Such prima donna pansy! agruing with judges, ratting out team mates and making the most hideaous collection of lingerie ever. Why santino you must just be exhausted after such a busy day! Kinda glad that daniel got the boot-he was acting like SUCH a kiss ass to everyone-WHAT A FRONT! no big loss! i think this team challenge was a lil premature-def needed at least 2 more challenges to get rid of the dead weight of Marla. Ugh i am tired of looking at her all ready! If you are still hunting for that last minute gift-you can bid on the winning set by daniel V. not that you know anyone who can squeeze into size model Rebecca (so nice of them to not include measurements)-you have until jan 4 to try and win a pair of cuffs to sex up any outfit! And if you are LUCKY enough to live in New York you can bust on over to the Banana republic there and view all the winning outfits- bet that beats the Macys holiday windows any day!
You need a link on here to the project runway site...that way we can all just pop on over there to see the insanity firsthand. I am waaay too lazy to look up the damn thing myself.
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