Narcassist of Project Runway

Skyrocketing to a new level of loathing, Santino's glorified talent is starting to bite him in the ass. Artist or not we are no longer fooled by your hippy dippy unicorn fantasy shirts and technical design knowledge. When really all you do is overwhelm a bright color with a bunch of trim and edging and ruffle. You are a narcassistic rat! Further proof is this cess-pool of elevated ego and self-congratulations of a BLOG. Who else expresses more surprise by not winning every subsequent contest after your first success??? Get over yourself! Do us all a favor, shave off the greasy locks, drop the faux spiritualism and GROW UP (no one bitches behind everyone's back like a high school girl like santino)
Definitely the new favorite to hate, santino has obviously blipped on the producer's ratings eye since he has garnered much more attention than Zulema in the last episode (her revolting piece of beige crap hardly got any airtime for us to critique)I am beginning to side with jennifers theory that she needs to hang around since she is the only black person on the show (since when has fashion been PC??) But if she keeps making her models do retarded shit like carry a doll's purse down the runway, i can only hope that she kicks herself off.
It was quite a blow to see our designated cutie, Raymundo being booted from the runway (i will not lie and say he didnt have it coming since he totally fucked up that last challenge).He will be missed none the less There was also the unexpected Gem of Kara emerging as a bumbling idiotic mess! She stands accused of making the poor Toys R US janitor help her retrieve a goddamn barbie hat that SHE lost down an escalator-BUY a NEW ONE you CHEAP BITCH!
It was also rather amazing to see nature in al her glory while Andrea's balls finally dropped and he got over the embarraasing voice cracking moments of last week and he became a MAN! Cheers to him for fighting back to those cackling witches of a panel.
I am totally in a state of earger anticipation for next week's episodes and really really hoping that guadalupe or Marla are the next to get the auf wiedersehen axe!
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