Day of Awesomeness

There is nothing sweeter than a day of hooky from work. It didnt start off that great since i had to go and get some massive fillings in my back molars (gah) but the dentinst waiting room was def the motivation i needed to pickup my discarded copy of On the Road and get back into it. twenty pages closer to being done. woooot. I (finally) got the alignment taken care of on my coche de horror. nice to drive straight and steady again. Thank goodness Oskar was able to chauffeur us downtown for lunch with the divine Miss Carol. Burgers, fries and $00.25 vending machine bears all around. After some browsing at Target (how awesome is that??? SOO awesome)& Styles 4 Less, we went and played beauty parlor at Janess's salon. I now have a nice chunk of purple in the front !tres chic! (i really wanted the mohawk but is just too cold for a such a bare haircut) was so great to hangout with my girlfriends like a summer day in high school. Sigh those good ol days -kinda reminds me of breakfast at Tiffany's. If i recall correctly we all kinda liked it. Weekend was pretty great Friday was game night with Kt, matt, robin, carol and enrique -so phased 10 out it was glorious. Saturday i slept until 1 -equally proud and embarrassed by that. Sunday was shopping with KT-picked up (more) black Ts with graphics -what can i say they are my crack these days. and a girl should always have a new item to start the work week.
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