Hyper Sensative

Fuck my ribs are killing me whenever i cough. time to get those useless bones removed. It has been a thoroughly irritating day. My co-workers decided to have a two hour whisper session in the hallway after the hour long loud ass conversation held in one of their offices which doesnt mean i still cant hear them chirping at each other like birds. And they have NOTHING interesting to say EVER well wait was Nanny 911 on last night??? that seems to be their favorite topic right after DisneyLand. Ugh christ it is so annoying. My hair clips that i used to keep back my unruly mass have been flung down onto the desk after digging into my head for three hours. I can only take so much pain for hair-do matainence. I can tell i am building up a immunity to daywuil since it no longer has the bliss numbing effect of coating all my senses with cotton and making every think have a nice whispy cloudy outline to it. I am really not interested in dealing with raw reality just yet. Maybe my flu will relapse. One can only Hope.
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