What's Your Damage, Heather?

Lately I have been giving my "style" a lot of thought and this has put me in a reminscing mood. My first fashion statement occured during my early elementary years when i DEMANDED that i wear purple from head to toe everyday. And ohhh the wrath the ensued if this wasnt a reality! Thank god it was the early 80's and this was very do-able. My little sister totally got the shaft since my mom would always buy us the same stuff from marshall's and she always ended up with the pink version of my purple gear (i think she has made great strides in overcoming this trauma but has yet to be whole to this day). This concept of having a signature wardrobe color immediately put me in the mind of the awesome movie Heathers. I wonder how hard it would be to convince my friends that they need to be color-coordinated whenever we go out in public so that everyone around us will instantly know that we A) are awesome B) are Best friends Forever & C) would rather drink liquid drainer than be unpopular. I wonder how hard it would be to find a young Christian Slater look-alike to follow us around the mall???
"It's just like - they're people I work with, and our job is being popular and shit!" - Veronica (Heathers)
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