Big Big Plans
Man my weekend is just exploding with goodness. I am going to my moms for dinner and carol has requested mac n cheese. What a way to start the weekend!!
My new camera AND my 120 set of colored pencils are coming this weekend. (personal memo-have GOT to remember to buy electric pencil sharpener since my delicate hands were not made for the manual labor of sharpening 100+ pencils) So obviously i will not be leaving the house until 8:05 monday morning when i return to my work cage. Any guesses on how many bad pics of my cat sleeping i take this weekend??? i will estimate a conservative 28 or so.
In case you all are still bored and need some more shit to fil your internet surfing time
THIS site is full of random pics and shizznit. enjoy the time waster
Candy supersized with an english accent hold any interest for you?? GO HERE -if nothing else is quite and education in the names of chocolate and supermarkets across the pond. ;)
and i just wanted to make sure that my brother sees THIS.
See ya lator alligator! have a neat-o-rama weekend.

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