Nick at Night Nostalgia
One of the shows that had my entire family on the couch was the Batman tv series. Just had to throw some facts, quotes and pics on here to show my appreciation for this awesomely wholesome show. By no means pretty-but i think my efforts reflect the low-budget campiness that was this show. Enjoy

What's a Riddler without Riddles?
Riddler: Did you hear about Greta Garbo? She dreamed one night she sprinkled 6 boxes of grass seed in her hair, and woke up moaning: "I vant to be a lawn!"
Riddler: When is the top of a mountain like a savings account? When it piques [peaks] one's interest!
Riddler: Oh, what's looser than a thread? A fish. Flying ribbons! A woman's tongue!! Possibly Batgirl's!
Riddler: Batgirls wilt just as quickly as other women!
Riddler: Riddle me this: when does a painter use a trigger instead of a brush? When he's a stickup artist!
Batgirl: What's up your sleeve this time?
Riddler: Up my sleeve, Batgirl? Riddle me once: what's most alluring when it's highest or lowest; when it's in the air or in a hole; when it's served you, yet you can't touch it? An enchanting ace!
Riddler: Riddle me this, Batman: what are the chilliest 12 inches in the world?
Batman: Cold feet!
Riddler: Excellent! What suite of cards lays eggs?
Batman: One that's chicken-hearted. Now listen to this, Riddler, sticks and stones may break my bones...
Riddler: Now you listen to me, Batman! My line is plugged into radio station GTZR! That means that all of Gotham City...[giggles]...has heard you called...[giggles]...a coward! [giggles full time]
Batman: Any last riddles, Riddler?
Riddler: Yes....what keeps coming back no matter how many times you throw it away?
Batman: That's easy. A boomerang.
Riddler: Yes. a boomerang....and I'[falls down, unconscious]

Catwoman-what a vixen!
Robin-a boy wonder of God FUN FACT: Burt Ward used a total of 352 “holy words” throughout the entire 120 episodes of Batman. (thanks
Chief Screaming Chicken: My face is so red!
King Tut: [to Nefertiti] How many times must I tell you?! Queens consume nectar and ambrosia, not hot dogs!
King Tut: Let's make tracks!
Batgirl: [suddenly appearing] The only tracks you'll be making are straight to the penitentiary!
[Later, after Shirley knocks Batgirl out....]
King Tut: For the 2nd time, let's make tracks!
[Batman and Robin suddenly appear]
Batman: The only tracks you'll be making are straight to the penitentiary!
King Tut: Some sort of delayed echo in here?
King Tut: Oh, the world is my oyster, and everyone will be bringing me sauce!!

- Batman was a Boy Scout
Batman: Only The Riddler and his ilk would have such a flagrant disregard for private property! This door will have to be repaired.
Batman: It is the duty of every good citizen of Gotham City to report meeting a man from Mars in a public park.
Batman: Better put 5 cents in the meter.
Robin: No policeman's going to give the Batmobile a ticket.
Batman: This money goes to building better roads. We all must do our part.
Lisa: Would you like to come in for a glass of milk and cookies?
Bruce: I'm afraid it's rather late. Why, it's 10:30! - Gordon: I'm sure they won't find caviar on the menu at Gotham State Prison.
- Batman: Probably not, but they will get a well-balanced diet thanks to Warden Crichton's emphasis on proper nutrition.
- Robin: Let's go!
- Batman: Not you, Robin. They have strict licensing laws in this country. A boy of your age is not allowed in a drinking tavern.
- Robin: You can't get away from Batman that easy!
- Batman: Easily.
- Robin: Easily.
- Batman: Good grammar is essential, Robin.
- Robin: Thank you.
- Batman: You're welcome.
- Batman: Robin, you haven't fastened your safety bat-belt.
- Robin: We're only going a couple of blocks.
- Batman: It won't be long until you are old enough to get a driver's license, Robin, and you'll be able to drive the Batmobile and other vehicles. Remember motorist safety.
- Robin: Gosh, Batman, when you put it that way..
- Robin: Where'd you get a live fish, Batman?
- Batman: The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin.
- Robin: That's an impossible shot, Batman.
- Batman: That's a negative attitude, Robin.
- Batman: Remember the Boy Scouts' motto.
- Robin: 'Be prepared'.
- Batman: It would do well to keep that in mind at all times.

What's a Riddler without Riddles?
- Riddler: What is it that no one wants to have yet no one wants to lose?!
- Robin: A lawsuit!
- Riddler: Correct, Boy Wonder!
Riddler: Did you hear about Greta Garbo? She dreamed one night she sprinkled 6 boxes of grass seed in her hair, and woke up moaning: "I vant to be a lawn!"
- Riddler: Rats, I am a man of a few words, but a man of many Riddles, so riddle me this: what is it that is always coming, but never arrives?! [No one answers] Quickly, quickly!
- Fangs: Uh, we ain't tuned in on the Riddle bit, chief!
- Mousey: Yeah! We give up! What is it that is always coming, but never arrives?
- Riddler: Tomorrow.
- Whitey: Tomorrow?
- Riddler: Tomorrow. For when it arrives, it is today, and today, my dear rodents, should prove to be most memorable!
Riddler: When is the top of a mountain like a savings account? When it piques [peaks] one's interest!
Riddler: Oh, what's looser than a thread? A fish. Flying ribbons! A woman's tongue!! Possibly Batgirl's!
Riddler: Batgirls wilt just as quickly as other women!
Riddler: Riddle me this: when does a painter use a trigger instead of a brush? When he's a stickup artist!
Batgirl: What's up your sleeve this time?
Riddler: Up my sleeve, Batgirl? Riddle me once: what's most alluring when it's highest or lowest; when it's in the air or in a hole; when it's served you, yet you can't touch it? An enchanting ace!
Riddler: Riddle me this, Batman: what are the chilliest 12 inches in the world?
Batman: Cold feet!
Riddler: Excellent! What suite of cards lays eggs?
Batman: One that's chicken-hearted. Now listen to this, Riddler, sticks and stones may break my bones...
Riddler: Now you listen to me, Batman! My line is plugged into radio station GTZR! That means that all of Gotham City...[giggles]...has heard you called...[giggles]...a coward! [giggles full time]
Batman: Any last riddles, Riddler?
Riddler: Yes....what keeps coming back no matter how many times you throw it away?
Batman: That's easy. A boomerang.
Riddler: Yes. a boomerang....and I'[falls down, unconscious]

Catwoman-what a vixen!
- Catwoman: Robin, get the money.
- Batman: [entering from behind a curtain] Don't do it Robin! She's got you under the influence of some sort of drug, Robin.
- Robin: Who's the character in the ridiculous costume?
- Catwoman: [laughs] That's Batman.
- Batman: You don't recognize me, Robin? What a dasterdly turn of events this is.
- Catwoman: Robin?
- Robin: Yeah?
- Catwoman: Slay the blue dragon.
- Robin: Groovy.
- Batman: Oh, no.
- Robin: Oh, yes.
Robin-a boy wonder of God FUN FACT: Burt Ward used a total of 352 “holy words” throughout the entire 120 episodes of Batman. (thanks
- Robin: Holy Benedict Arnold---Suzie! Chief cheerleader,
a member of The Joker's criminal gang!
- Robin: Holy molars! Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth!
- Batman: True. You owe your life to dental hygiene.
- Robin: Holy Metronome! What a fate--punched into player-piano rolls!
- Batman: True, Robin, scarcely an end I'd rather anticipate! Life--a cupful of surprises to the last drop!
- Robin: "Ghoti" is "fish"?
- Batman: See here. English phonetics. GH becomes F, as in "tough" or "laugh". O becomes I as in "women". TI becomes SH as in "ration" or the word "nation".
- Robin: Holy semantics, Batman. You never cease to amaze me!
- Batman: No time for compliments, Robin. We must thwart some criminals. To the Batmobile!
- Joker: [laughing] Have a sneeze on me, Batman!
- [Joker administers sneezing powder upon Batman, which has no effect.]
- Batman: No use, Joker! I knew you'd employ your sneezing powder, so I took an Anti-Allergy Pill! Instead of a sneeze, I've caught you cold!
- Gordon: Batman, you unscrambled that safe's combination in five seconds flat! How did you do it?
- Batman: With my Bat-Five-Seconds-Flat-Combination-Unscrambler, Commissioner.
Chief Screaming Chicken: My face is so red!
King Tut: [to Nefertiti] How many times must I tell you?! Queens consume nectar and ambrosia, not hot dogs!
King Tut: Let's make tracks!
Batgirl: [suddenly appearing] The only tracks you'll be making are straight to the penitentiary!
[Later, after Shirley knocks Batgirl out....]
King Tut: For the 2nd time, let's make tracks!
[Batman and Robin suddenly appear]
Batman: The only tracks you'll be making are straight to the penitentiary!
King Tut: Some sort of delayed echo in here?
King Tut: Oh, the world is my oyster, and everyone will be bringing me sauce!!
- Egghead: Woe is me. My criminal career is now eggstinct!
- Batman: Foolish, evil man!
- Robin: You're going to go where all the broken eggshells end up: in the garbage!
I dont want to say this show was formulaic or anything so i will let do the honors
1) Villain enters town
2) Gordon calls Batman
3) Batman and Robin go to the Commissioner's office
4) The duo go after the criminal
5) They get caught and put in a trap
6) By some incredible means they escape
7) They chase the villain
8) A fight with the bad guys
9) Justice prevails and off to prison the villains go
Need proof?? check out HOLY BAT TRAP
- Who knew Batgirl had a theme song?? A damn catchy too!
Batgirl, Batgirl!
Batgirl, Batgirl!
Where do you come from? Where do you go?
What is your scene? Baby, we just gotta know!
Batgirl, Batgirl!
Batgirl, Batgirl!
Are you a chick who fell in from outer space,
Or are you real with a tender warm embrace?
Yeah, whose baby are you?
Batgirl, Batgirl!
Batgirl, Batgirl!
Yeah, whose baby are you?
~ The Batgirl theme song
Awesome photos of all the guest stars that the Dynamic Duo encountered on their trechorous building climbs HERE
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