is it sunday yet???

well i have gotten myself into quite the little pickle. My design final is saturday. I need to present three boards. It is Thursday -I have yet to start mocking up these boards. 2 days well 2 nights really since i cant do any of this at work. sheeeeeee-it. Well it is time to rally since i have gotten this idea to do the whole thing tonight. (talk about optimism)
oh and by the way fabric stores close at 6. 6!!!! makes it rather hard to run out for more samples now doesnt it. I am burnt out on furniture selections-there is only soo much thought a person should have to put into a office chair selection. well at least that bit is finally done. I am not in THAT bad a situation but i have yet to touch the final floor plan and getting that to look good is such a trial expecially since it includes hand lettering. And we all know that my handwriting -proper draft gothic or not-is just a joke. I have a zillion lists going now in my notebook since i like making list and i have convinced myself that list making = productivity even if nothing has yet to be crossed off. just humor me on that one. Maybe i will just make up a HUGE eviction notice thus negating the need to furnish this apartment for my final. how well do you think that will fly? sigh OKay OKAY OKAY Billy i hear you -time to get tough!
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