Where were the Tiaras???
Episode 2 of Project Runway was full of GOODNESS! i lurved how the designers got to pick models this time! i dont know why but i do enjoy this extra bit of drama each challenge.
-Did any one notice:
A) the apartments are back to normal?
B) Angela's unfortunate cargo pants with the darker material in the crotch that made it look like she had a Fergie bladder control issue?
C) the awesome facial expressions of Miss USA when the designers were presenting?
D) the total lack of more info about the PR scandal hinted at last week??
Okay it was pretty cute that they design gowns for Miss America. Some of them obviously had a way better understanding of what a gown needed to look good on a stage and win a BEAUTY contest... however the latest loser didnt seem to quite get that concept of a beautiful gown for a beaty pagent.

Malan and Katherine. I was way sorry to see Malan go but he really did dig his own shithole with this ruching nightmare.
Laura and Michael. I get the simplicity of it and whatevs but the material and the cut just reminded me of a swimsuit -one of those matronly ones with a lil skirt to hide cellulite.
Keith and Bradley. pretty but Uli did it better

Uli and Bonnie. Really pretty but did anyone else notice how the fabric caught at lil places from tacking it down?? Why you gots to hinder the flow Uli??
Kayne and Robert. Winners! I want these two to get commited as life partners and adopt stray animals. They seem like the Dynamic Duo for the season.

Jeffrey and Alison Obviously wouldnt win this challenge but way cool none the less
For all the coverage of the drama between Vincent and Angela ("i dont DOOOO sketches") i was sincerly suprised that Vincent actual had a complete article of clothing to send down the runway. I thought it would be another ridiculous mess but i thought this was quite pretty (one of the BEST moments was Miss USA sassing back with a "I disagree!" to Angela's rant about it being a design school quality)
oooo i cant hardly wait for MORE!!!
-Did any one notice:
A) the apartments are back to normal?
B) Angela's unfortunate cargo pants with the darker material in the crotch that made it look like she had a Fergie bladder control issue?
C) the awesome facial expressions of Miss USA when the designers were presenting?
D) the total lack of more info about the PR scandal hinted at last week??
Okay it was pretty cute that they design gowns for Miss America. Some of them obviously had a way better understanding of what a gown needed to look good on a stage and win a BEAUTY contest... however the latest loser didnt seem to quite get that concept of a beautiful gown for a beaty pagent.

Malan and Katherine. I was way sorry to see Malan go but he really did dig his own shithole with this ruching nightmare.

Uli and Bonnie. Really pretty but did anyone else notice how the fabric caught at lil places from tacking it down?? Why you gots to hinder the flow Uli??

Jeffrey and Alison Obviously wouldnt win this challenge but way cool none the less

oooo i cant hardly wait for MORE!!!
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