If you want something done right. . .
Do it yourself. I consider Santino quite the traitor for not leaving Kara alone to crash and burn on this challenge. Everything the judges liked was basically his insistance that she do.

Kara only contribution was getting him to shave. well wait i guess that is reason enough to be kept on the show. But fuck stop with the sobs and pity parties all ready kara.

sucky sucky $5 dollar. Was it really Chloe's dream make-over to be turned into a 2-bit whore? What a wasted freebie Daniel.

I thought this actually looked quite good when Daniel was actually walking in it. The hair was Miami Vice-tacular!!! But Nick totally effed up on the fabric choice. which he has done. before. a lot. still sorry to see ya go.

From Kara to brautwurst way to go Santino. Cuz every woman wants to be a squeezed sausage.
Now i dont remember who the guest judge was but how he can even be related to the fashion field and consider the JUMPSUIT flattering is beyond me. Actually i think i now know who does the buying for Newport News

What a cake walk to pick the winner of this challange. The only garment that looked good and was sewn well. Chloe def deserved to win since she was able to transfer her skill to the new frontier of mens wear.
The only moment that was truly amusing was the appearence of Loreal Make-up artist for the make-over consultations. Collier Strong .You are not fooling anyone into believeing that is your real name. totally sounds like the pretensious name a 80 yr old woman would give her lapdog.
Gone but not forgotten- Emmett has his own store! well soon anyway.

Kara only contribution was getting him to shave. well wait i guess that is reason enough to be kept on the show. But fuck stop with the sobs and pity parties all ready kara.

sucky sucky $5 dollar. Was it really Chloe's dream make-over to be turned into a 2-bit whore? What a wasted freebie Daniel.

I thought this actually looked quite good when Daniel was actually walking in it. The hair was Miami Vice-tacular!!! But Nick totally effed up on the fabric choice. which he has done. before. a lot. still sorry to see ya go.

From Kara to brautwurst way to go Santino. Cuz every woman wants to be a squeezed sausage.
Now i dont remember who the guest judge was but how he can even be related to the fashion field and consider the JUMPSUIT flattering is beyond me. Actually i think i now know who does the buying for Newport News

What a cake walk to pick the winner of this challange. The only garment that looked good and was sewn well. Chloe def deserved to win since she was able to transfer her skill to the new frontier of mens wear.
The only moment that was truly amusing was the appearence of Loreal Make-up artist for the make-over consultations. Collier Strong .You are not fooling anyone into believeing that is your real name. totally sounds like the pretensious name a 80 yr old woman would give her lapdog.
Gone but not forgotten- Emmett has his own store! well soon anyway.
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