The Tesh-my guru
I know i have a lot of god friends in my life but i cant help but imagine a world where John tesh was my best friend....

i would give my right arm to be that piano
While listening to the John tesh radio show ( on the way home from the gym, i was LUCKY enough to catch a life changing segment of Inteligence for your Life, how to cut out high calorie drinks.
If black coffee is good enough for the tesher than gosh golly darnnit -it is certainly good enough for me. I may not have the willpower to cohost a entertainment show with mary hart but hopefully with the spirit of the tesh and one or two of his cds i will be able to cut out the sweet sweet calorie rish goodness of cream and sugar from my morning cuppa.

Now which do You prefer:
Blue John Tesh???

or Red John tesh???

Is almost impossible to choose but i think the blue just sets of the sparkle in the tesher's eyes like nothing else.

i would give my right arm to be that piano
While listening to the John tesh radio show ( on the way home from the gym, i was LUCKY enough to catch a life changing segment of Inteligence for your Life, how to cut out high calorie drinks.
If black coffee is good enough for the tesher than gosh golly darnnit -it is certainly good enough for me. I may not have the willpower to cohost a entertainment show with mary hart but hopefully with the spirit of the tesh and one or two of his cds i will be able to cut out the sweet sweet calorie rish goodness of cream and sugar from my morning cuppa.

Now which do You prefer:
Blue John Tesh???

or Red John tesh???

Is almost impossible to choose but i think the blue just sets of the sparkle in the tesher's eyes like nothing else.
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