Gathering Dust

originally purchased about a year ago Name all the Animals by Alison Smith is most patient in the stack for having waited soo very long for me to pick up but honestly will take a good 5 hour planetrip for me to consider reading at this point.

Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison
despite test piggy having this one for several months that is hardly any excuse for why i still havent cracked it open but this one is on the top of the list to be read (maybe even this weekend since i dont have much planned)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Wasn't I supposed to read this during high school or college or the couple of years following college...

In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson
He writes travel books that read like novels -I know i got through about 20 pages in Borders one day- only 350 more to go.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Latest Addition to the stack but now that i have skimmed the description on it again i remember why i bought it.
If it wasnt obvious by the Search Inside arrows all images have been taken from Amazon where all the books can be purchased :)
Hope this inspires everyone to peruse their bookshelves and pull out a couple of the unread.
Labels: books