On the Verge of Being Obscene
Even though they jacked up the prices, I am still in love with 1984 night at the Cat Club. The gay bartenders, the hell's angels bouncers, the sweet 80's tunes and the best crowd of oddities in the world. It all makes the layers of sweat and grime at the end of the evening worth it. I am also trying not to harbor any ill feelings about never hearing my request for Wild Boys by Duran Duran. It was great that everyone who remembered their IDs was able to swing and sway with me for my birthday. Most excellent. Last night was a swim at DIVE bar in downtown SJ. I of course dug the water theme but alas no Sandstorm to do up the night right. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Janelle Shakira-style! and with no less fanfare HAPPY FIRING Janess! all the better to start the as-of-yet unnamed salon in Los Gatos. Open for business Tuesday so bring your split ends and 2 inch roots on down to the ex-Sirens. In sadder news, Carol is moving out this weekend. I guess it is for the best-i don't get the privledge of sharing my make-up with her anymore Damn! Oh and if anyone is available I got a room in Vegas next weds and thurs and need someone to go with since the punk-ass whose idea it was to go in the first place totally backed out on me. Cheers!
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