
I hope you don't think i gave up on my work day total yesterday. I realize that the last entry was 3:00. i was going to stick it out til the end. Wanted to give everyone a full and complete report but I do not control the universe and there was nothing i could do when the network went down at 4. So a footnote to yesterday's entry: after the network crashed i ate a kiwi, chatted with coworkers about new shows (apparently prison break is good and i should try and catch it), went through my bills that i had brought to work with me and then i left 15 mins early.
Minus the kiwi-today is going along the exact same track as yesterday. I checked my bank account and laughed and laughed and laughed. Should i be concerned that i find being poor hilarious or is this a denial of reality and responsibilty on my part???
The picture of the puppy is for Carol since she has the reading level of a pre-schooler and needs illustrations to pay attention to anything.
Oh and according to my fortune cookie from the Sun cafeteria "A surprise treat awaits you". I cannot wait to find out what it will be! ohh the anticipation. if i dont totally forgot i'll let you know the success of this fortune. (please be a new car --is that expecting too much from a plastic wrapped cookie???)
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