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Done! Gone! Death to the adsense! ADS?!?! We don't need no stinkin' ads! I am declaring victory over sullying my precious space with ugly and inconvienent and ridiculously unprofitable ads -I can make just as much by searching my couch cushions on a monthly basis. Besides my friends dont need to see that shit and feel obligated to click. I have come to my senses and realized that readers are here to read about me -why should i compete for attention on my own blog??? Speaking of me newly acquired blog standards - i was having some fun the other day clicking on the next blog button on blogger which randomly starts giving you blog after blog to peruse and i came to the realization that compartively speaking -MINE KICKS ASS!!! (i had just wrongly been comparing myself to trent or the manolo and that is just apples and oranges really -well in my case plums)
Aside from a rejuvenating attitude of egotism with my blog, this week has been pretty tame. I did go out to lunch everyday this week -which directly correlates to me interst in joining a gym (in case you are curious Mon: KFC with coworkers, Tues: Premier Pizza with mom, Weds: Google caf with Anya, Thurs: Mondo burrito with Jennifer, Fri: Taxi burgers with coworkers) I had such healthy intentions too brought a salad to work and it has been sitting in fridge since weds. Tonight an expedition to Colorado (aka San Francisco) is planned. Eric is spinning at the 10 fifteen club so i am all for supporting especially while getting in free. Tomorrow is a Bar-B-Q at Carols and those are always interesting and Sunday is pick up all the shit on my floor and move to piles in the corner. Oh and if anyone has an interest in Cabo for Christmas let me know -Reg and I are hoping to rent a house for a week or so and drink ourselves into cirrosis. HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND EVERYONE!
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