
SHIT think SHIT think

I am soo sorry I hadn't realized how long it has been since i have written-this is an unprecedented amount of time with nothing new from me. I will strive to get another meaningless temp position as soon as possible to ensure a fresh and tasty post more regularly. Apologizes aside it is time to discuss the newest and earthshaking piece of art to come from our favorite avante garde R & B singer. the Trapped in the closet series by r kelly is not be missed. This is what three months of my favorite soap from back in the day, One Life to Live would be without commercials. IT is just THAT GOOD! and not to mention that full of over contrived plot twists and reject actors. While most of us know this by nature it must be said for the poor songwiters out there -it doesnt matter if it rhymes -inner dialouge doesn't make for a hit ten minute song. I suggest a search for the lyrics (don't act like you have more inportant stuff to do). I would put a link but coudnt find a site that had more than one part at a time. Try to keep up with this topic change from the highly entertaining to the highly dissappointing. I am soo pissed at esprit right now! i got this trite email in response for my demands to purchase a jacket online. The bitches claim to be sold out of it. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SELL OUT OF A JACKET IN SUMMER!?!?!? i am not buying it for a second. GOddammit this was supposed to be my birthday gift to myself. RAGE!!! TEARS!!! UNWAIVERING ANGER & RESENTMENT!!! No wonder all their US stores and to shut down. (did i mention that i am also a little BITTER about this situation?) I am putting a voodoo hex on them until this matter is resolved. . . or until i find something else to tempt my ever diminishing bank account. My piece of mind is only slightly mollified by the present my mommy got me this weekend. A car full of Vidunas and bonus Vernon went to the Palo Alto Glass and Pottery fair on sunday. I got some awesome cool plates. Love LOVe LOVE them. Definitely the best fair to ogle stuff without having to see a single garden sign made out of an old roof shingle or a landscape painting on a rusty saw blade.


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