
Throwing In The Towel

As of this moment the previously mentioned beaded shirt project is over--not finished but has met a premature death that i do not care to attemp craft project CPR on. My fancy has passed on this one. However we are not viewing this as a failure but as a bold, character building attempt on my part to use those gynormous beads i bought in a moment of weakness and greed from eBay. sigh these things they happen. Anyways this weekend has been totally chill and great. Got to meet up with my old high school chum Stefania, much to my suprise we were able to get together for lunch and window shopping. She is all ready pressing me for a salsa dancing commitment-apparently i can see past short and unattractive when it can move well across a dance floor. I would have thought from my lack of dating and relationships would show that commitment of any kind just rolls of me (what can i say i like being teflon and single). I also made a quick run to Watsonville. I had to teach some surf perch a lesson. Fishing is almost fun when you have someone else to cart the stuff around and dig up the slimy sand crabs as bait. And just because i have the bragging rights i would like to tell one and all that I KICKED MATT"S ASS AT WAR!!!! (and Scrabble and Fan Tam) So petty of me and yet soo satifying to have that posted. I would just like to end by saying Love True Love will follow you forever. (did i mention i caught half of the Princess Bride this morning???)


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