Dress me up in Your LOVE

We are almost at the end of our outfit of outfits and it is time to explore the piece de resistance`, THE DRESS!! We have been cruising through rather expensive waters so far (did I mention that the cavalli's were $324.95??) and been fortunate to cover leather, ruffles, sparkles and have them all work so well together!! What is left, what else can enhance without repeating our fashion story to date? Well the only answer is lame! I believe I have stumbled across the budget answer to high fashion and is an excellent ensemble item for a mere, a paltry, a bargain basement price of $26. Notice the exquisite way it drapes across the body accentuating every roll and crease of this mannequin's body! This is really the difference between being a Barbizon model or just looking like one!
Now rapidly scroll back up the page and you will see our fabulous, avante guarde style of the Millenia outfit in all its GLORY!!
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