4 a.m pizza
There is no greater comfort for when you cannot sleep late late at night and the three blisters on your little toe are throbbing. And how would you get so many blisters on one toe you ask? An excellent place to start is by wearing an old pair of misshappen high heels and step two is go dancing for 8 hours. While my salsa experience is limited i feel like a professional now. Not because i picked up the steps or figured out how to spin without stumbling but because in one afternoon i was subjected to the worst pickups in the world. The first was fairly tame but still creepy and uncalled for. A thirty something bouncer stopped me on my way back from the bar and asked me to give him my eyes when i was done with them. Uhhhh how did he think that was going to end? Me gouging them out with a straw and handing them over and us then having sweaty blind sex??? Maybe once i shrug off the mortal coil he will still be around to enjoy them but until them I am keeping my caribbean blues thank you very much. On principle a female must resign herself to the unavoidable dancing with the short, the fat and the old but there is a line and here it is: popping out a fake tooth in order to dive into a girl's cleavage. God i wish i had a natural reflex to hit the elderly because that would have been the perfect time to do it. Alas i just scurried away as fast as my blistering feet could take me. Not even a prostitute would have to put up with that kind of vulgar display and as much of a skank whore as i am -I in no way qualify for the red light. I need to go shower now feeling dirty again.
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