Monday #2 by the numbers

1 Kenneth Cole high heel caught in carpet
7 number of stairs i fell down this morning
1 broken coffee cup
1/4 cup amount of coffee spilled all over walls, stairs and floor
3 "fucks" yelled out during and immediately after fall
2 knuckles with rug burn
7 (on a scale of 1-10) of how much my ass is hurting right now
9 (same scale) how sore my neck is getting as the day goes on.
55 degrees radius my neck rotation has been reduced to
infinite-number of curses i have had to muffle every time i forget and slam my bruised and cut up elbow on armrest.
2 aleve taken so far. . .
8 number of shots i am doing once i get home to ease the pain
Wish i was here . . .
What did your ankles ever do to you?
Need some ideas to draw attention away from your frightful cankles??? Ready to take some of the stress and worry out of covering up that unfortunate dolphin ankle tatoo?? Stirrup pants just not giving you enough dazzle in the lower leg area?? Well you are in luck. There seems to be quite the market for solving all you deepest darkest ankle strap desires. . .

I imagine this is what a geriatric stripper from Greece would wear. Dont ask why i would imagine this-the mind works in mysterious ways.

And i imagine that this is what the strippers are wearing in Iceland this season. I especially like the traction sole for the icy walks back to the motel.

Frustrated that sweatbands have been so limited to the head and wrists??? I am sooo annoyed that these didnt have a live model in them to show off the fat squeezing potential of spandex on calves.

I think if the girls from little house on the praire were really slutty and cobblers this is what would be their creation. Just a hint of skin to drive the men WILD!

Whoever said "Less is More" is a freakin idiot! Fringe heels, Fringe ankles, Feathered straps, gold detailing, scrunch fabric!! i love it all- what a melody of goodness these shoes are. Imagine the handbag that would match!
I imagine this is what a geriatric stripper from Greece would wear. Dont ask why i would imagine this-the mind works in mysterious ways.
And i imagine that this is what the strippers are wearing in Iceland this season. I especially like the traction sole for the icy walks back to the motel.
Frustrated that sweatbands have been so limited to the head and wrists??? I am sooo annoyed that these didnt have a live model in them to show off the fat squeezing potential of spandex on calves.

I think if the girls from little house on the praire were really slutty and cobblers this is what would be their creation. Just a hint of skin to drive the men WILD!

Whoever said "Less is More" is a freakin idiot! Fringe heels, Fringe ankles, Feathered straps, gold detailing, scrunch fabric!! i love it all- what a melody of goodness these shoes are. Imagine the handbag that would match!
Blood on the Runway
"yeah for a minute I wanted to cut her"
Nick didn't take to Zulema's power move of a model walk-off and the Highjacking of his "muse". Hilarious hearing his new model described as a "tall marshmellow" by Tim Gunn. This is the only element of the new season that i really don't like-the designers sticking with the same model. Maybe they had too many issues last season trying to get decent soundbites out of runway models-because this was the first episode that they actually contributed comments.
I think a couple of souls were swapped last episode the usually critical and unimpressed Michael Kors gave a inspirations presentation to the designers & then the diplomatic and supportive Tim Gunn crushed their spirits and souls with a blunt statement to each designer.Last season's winner Jay was on the show. I was quite disappointed with him. He seems to have lost a lot of the charm and confidence he had before. He made a lot of snide comments that were below him. I guess Nina was tired and someone had to step upto the snarky plate. Since there are only 7 designers left, I saw no reason to not feature all the designs from last night's episode. I put them in order of worst to best (in my opinion anyway)

Zulema really earned the OUT last night. Nina pegged it with pointing out her consistent tendancy to present technically unfinished pieces. Good riddance to her justifications and bad accessory choices!

I spotted Austin Scarlet's fabric from last season a mile away. Dead in the water the second they flashed to what Austin created last season-a hundred times better than whatever it was Santino was trying to achieve here. I am really starting to miss the possessed Santino comebacks to the judges interagations. bring back the DRAMA!!

Sadly this is actually one of the best pieces Kara has done. But once a bridesmaid, never a bride. Time for the only non-winner to pack her bags (hopefully next episode) she just isn't a contender at this point.

There was a definite display of talent and skill in this dress by Chloe, but I just dont like it.

Nick was such a disappointment with this challenge. Another fishtail skirt. ho-hum. The top was quite interesting but the style abruptly ended at the waist. Spend less time on a mini-meltdown and more time on a new style and maybe Nick can win another challenge.

I totally understand why Daniel won this challenge. His outfit really matched the inspiration pic he chose. But the top is just way to couture for me.

Out of everything, I took to Andre's the most. I have a feeling if this wasn't the same color palette as the ice-skating costume he designed last time it would have gone over better with the judges. And a quick check of the online auction of this piece has a leading bid of $510 over Daniels $225.
Nick didn't take to Zulema's power move of a model walk-off and the Highjacking of his "muse". Hilarious hearing his new model described as a "tall marshmellow" by Tim Gunn. This is the only element of the new season that i really don't like-the designers sticking with the same model. Maybe they had too many issues last season trying to get decent soundbites out of runway models-because this was the first episode that they actually contributed comments.
I think a couple of souls were swapped last episode the usually critical and unimpressed Michael Kors gave a inspirations presentation to the designers & then the diplomatic and supportive Tim Gunn crushed their spirits and souls with a blunt statement to each designer.Last season's winner Jay was on the show. I was quite disappointed with him. He seems to have lost a lot of the charm and confidence he had before. He made a lot of snide comments that were below him. I guess Nina was tired and someone had to step upto the snarky plate. Since there are only 7 designers left, I saw no reason to not feature all the designs from last night's episode. I put them in order of worst to best (in my opinion anyway)

Zulema really earned the OUT last night. Nina pegged it with pointing out her consistent tendancy to present technically unfinished pieces. Good riddance to her justifications and bad accessory choices!

I spotted Austin Scarlet's fabric from last season a mile away. Dead in the water the second they flashed to what Austin created last season-a hundred times better than whatever it was Santino was trying to achieve here. I am really starting to miss the possessed Santino comebacks to the judges interagations. bring back the DRAMA!!

Sadly this is actually one of the best pieces Kara has done. But once a bridesmaid, never a bride. Time for the only non-winner to pack her bags (hopefully next episode) she just isn't a contender at this point.

There was a definite display of talent and skill in this dress by Chloe, but I just dont like it.

Nick was such a disappointment with this challenge. Another fishtail skirt. ho-hum. The top was quite interesting but the style abruptly ended at the waist. Spend less time on a mini-meltdown and more time on a new style and maybe Nick can win another challenge.

I totally understand why Daniel won this challenge. His outfit really matched the inspiration pic he chose. But the top is just way to couture for me.

Out of everything, I took to Andre's the most. I have a feeling if this wasn't the same color palette as the ice-skating costume he designed last time it would have gone over better with the judges. And a quick check of the online auction of this piece has a leading bid of $510 over Daniels $225.
I get it now
usually i have found the idea of tri-colored gold necklaces to being on par with mens pinky rings and toe rings on 50 year old women-tacky and outdated. But i came across this necklace this morning and i finally see that it isn't so much the medium but the poor poor execution that has plagued the combination of silver, rose and yellow gold. Here they got it right. Not that i am willing to drop $400 on it but i appreciate the achievement of making an exquisite piece of jewelry out of something that usually goes horribly wrong and gets sold on QVC.

If, however, you are the type to drop $400 on a necklace you can go here Future fashionista to purchase or just browse the other cute stuff they have.

If, however, you are the type to drop $400 on a necklace you can go here Future fashionista to purchase or just browse the other cute stuff they have.
Latest Obssession
Have to make this quick since blogger has an outage scheduled in T-34 mins. But i just had to let you all know about the site i have been enjoying with my baja fresh chips and green salsa. Tasty on both counts. The Impulsive Buy is a great site of product reviews for all those items at Safeway that you are curious about but not enough to commit to tearing the sunday paper's coupon out and actually purchasing.
Kraft Korner update
So my latest creation was completed this weekend-and best of all i wore it to work the other day and it didnt break once!! SUCCESS!!
I found this necklace online and as soon as i spied it i knew i could quickly reproduce it with my green beads (green like this font -what a coincidence!). Had a bitch of a time making those larger circles -much swearing and ire but it got done with little bloodshed. Was all worth it since i was able to make the entire thing without having to purchase any new materials. So i guess that makes my new necklace priceless. ;)

Breathless with Anticipation

Day of Awesomeness

There is nothing sweeter than a day of hooky from work. It didnt start off that great since i had to go and get some massive fillings in my back molars (gah) but the dentinst waiting room was def the motivation i needed to pickup my discarded copy of On the Road and get back into it. twenty pages closer to being done. woooot. I (finally) got the alignment taken care of on my coche de horror. nice to drive straight and steady again. Thank goodness Oskar was able to chauffeur us downtown for lunch with the divine Miss Carol. Burgers, fries and $00.25 vending machine bears all around. After some browsing at Target (how awesome is that??? SOO awesome)& Styles 4 Less, we went and played beauty parlor at Janess's salon. I now have a nice chunk of purple in the front !tres chic! (i really wanted the mohawk but is just too cold for a such a bare haircut) was so great to hangout with my girlfriends like a summer day in high school. Sigh those good ol days -kinda reminds me of breakfast at Tiffany's. If i recall correctly we all kinda liked it. Weekend was pretty great Friday was game night with Kt, matt, robin, carol and enrique -so phased 10 out it was glorious. Saturday i slept until 1 -equally proud and embarrassed by that. Sunday was shopping with KT-picked up (more) black Ts with graphics -what can i say they are my crack these days. and a girl should always have a new item to start the work week.
Spring has Sprung
when does fashion become a parady of itself? Awfully deep question for such a shallow pursuit. There is a definite "took it just a tad too far" theme behind todays nasty attire.

I think i know who did the costume design for Troy. What i dont know is who the hell would want to buy these for $110. Who am i kidding, even free i still dont understand them. But i bet the ankle support cant be beat.

I actually came across this item when i got the delia's catalog in the mail. Not sure what i signed up for to get on that list but none the less i am thrilled to see what the cool high schoolers will be sporting this season. And by sport i mean hunting. Too bad elephants are endangered and protected because this dress needs to be shot.

$122.95 for soda top pulls. does any else think recycling shouldn't cost that much?? Aluminum and crochet -yeah definitely looks just like it sounds -like a tacky gift an elderly aunt who likes retirement in florida would buy you for college graduation present.

I think i know who did the costume design for Troy. What i dont know is who the hell would want to buy these for $110. Who am i kidding, even free i still dont understand them. But i bet the ankle support cant be beat.

I actually came across this item when i got the delia's catalog in the mail. Not sure what i signed up for to get on that list but none the less i am thrilled to see what the cool high schoolers will be sporting this season. And by sport i mean hunting. Too bad elephants are endangered and protected because this dress needs to be shot.

$122.95 for soda top pulls. does any else think recycling shouldn't cost that much?? Aluminum and crochet -yeah definitely looks just like it sounds -like a tacky gift an elderly aunt who likes retirement in florida would buy you for college graduation present.
Project Runway ON ICE
What an awkward challenge. This was such a horrible idea-designing ice skating costumes. WHO GIVES A SHIT???!!?!?!?! other than Tim Gunn showing us how real people skate- stiff as a board, this episode was a disappointment from beginning to end. Santino soo deserved to get kicked off. It is way obvious he is being kept on by the producer for the "good tv" aspect. No shock that Emmett got the axe though. He needs to go back to mens tailoring which i am sure he is wonderful at. This show really can't cater to mens designers. Although during the show, his costume was the only one that immediately struck me as a actual ice skating outfit. But kudos to the judges for pretending that they are "experts" in this underapprecated spangly medium. Things are starting to get stale on this show. Here is the run down of last night's episode once again Chloe made something turquoise, Kara was a mess, Andre threw a hissy-fit, Daniel V had nothing to add to the conversation, Santino described his outfit best by saying it looks like a baboon's ass exploded on it, Zulema obviosuly doesnt shop with/have friends or she would have been talked out of that horrible eye shadow purchase at MAC and Nick gushed like schoolgirl over the "client". One major shock was the lack of Santino explosion when the judges questioned his outfit. Maybe he remembered to take his ridalin that morning.

Zulema winning virgin mermaid Vegas style

does anyone else think this looks like a flamingo and a turkey got in a fight???

I think Chloe's had the best orginality and execution. And just enough sequins for the job.
Next week prediction-Kara or Andre

Zulema winning virgin mermaid Vegas style

does anyone else think this looks like a flamingo and a turkey got in a fight???

I think Chloe's had the best orginality and execution. And just enough sequins for the job.
Next week prediction-Kara or Andre
Umm kinda couldn't stop once i started

Don't know why i felt compelled to do this. But it was a nice way to pass the morning lull at work. I know there are omissions but was working purely off my memory of my closet.
Wardrobe Inventory
Anne Klein knee high brown boots
Nine West black boots
Kenneth Cole pink to purple faux croc pumps
Charles David dark berry faux croc pumps
Nine West black heeled sandals
banana Republic leather and suede dark green sandals
Rocket Dogs gray and orange sneaks
Type Z turqoise patent leather heels
BP light blue faux croc pumps
assorted flip flops and old gym shoes
3 Aeropostle jeans
1 pair Blue Cult jeans
2 Gap Long and Lean jeans
1 pair J & company jeans
1 pair Mossimo jeans
black Nine west
gray nine west slacks
black pinstripe express
gray Anne Taylor Loft slacks
brown slacks anthropologie
red limited slacks
green lace drap neck anthropologie
purple half shirt anthropologie
black t with royalty lion Rampage
black T with skull pattern Urban Outfitters
brown/tan Kenneth Cole tank
brown 3/4 Kenneth Cole top
black tank with phoenix/griffin graphic
3/4 button down black blouse
light pink silk and toule tank limited
black t no mercy skull Target
Gap Ts in purple, white, black, purple, black
pink lace dkny
brown halter H&M
brown halter Banana Rep
black asymetrical tank DKNY
Purple lace tank Express
gap brown T with Tie
Chevron work shirt
Black 3/4 Old Navy with Lace hems
Black Limited 3/4 sleeve with ribbon
white racer back tank
purple and blue rubbish tanks
gray blue with sequins Old Navy tank
Black and Pink button down shirts Banana Republic
Dark blue tank Forever 21
lilac 3/4 sleeve top from Anthropolgie
black 3/4 sleeve with toule detail Limited
J Lo mauve silk top
cream silk banana republic
black esprit halter
brown and pink polka dot tank
Gap black wrap blouse
white long sleeve
blue long sleeve rubbish
pink/gray T skull graphic H&M
green T with black graphic H&M
black stretch tank express
White blouse with side ties Banana Republic
Khaki sweater
Purple T with gold detail
denim Hydraulic
denim esprit
black raincoat Old navy
black raincoat
Dark red courdaroy
Khaki by Sashimi
gray, black and purple BP zip-ups
green Via republica
purple Kenneth Cole clutch
Blue Charles David
black faux prada ostrich
brown faux croc hobo Target
Plum Nordstrom purse
bronze wrist bag Target
camo green from spain
Guess the Designer
Spring collection 2006
Can you recognize the signature behind the couture??? Lets give it a try-Answers at the bottom. To make things easier here are the designers i pulled "looks" from:
Badgley Mischka
Christian Dior
Oscar De La Renta
Alexander McQueen

To make it even easier i put the pictures in that order too.
Badgley Mischka
Christian Dior
Oscar De La Renta
Alexander McQueen
Can you recognize the signature behind the couture??? Lets give it a try-Answers at the bottom. To make things easier here are the designers i pulled "looks" from:
Badgley Mischka
Christian Dior
Oscar De La Renta
Alexander McQueen

To make it even easier i put the pictures in that order too.
Badgley Mischka
Christian Dior
Oscar De La Renta
Alexander McQueen
What i Want NOW
Despite a recent shopping craze, I am still filled with lust for new things. Thought i would share some of the latest objects i am crushing on.

I have been wanting a motorcycle style jacket for a long time now. This is the closest i have found to the jacket of my dreams. The black one of course.

It is the new Kenneth Cole collection. How gorgeous is that PURPLE?? (and at almost $500 is such wishful thinking)

The drape of the Marciano top is so cute and original without being overwhelming. Would be perfect for spring.

I love the style and color of this Esprit dress. Can all ready see it on my hot bod walking downtown and out to the bars.
Now i just have to get the money to fund all these purchases. . .

I have been wanting a motorcycle style jacket for a long time now. This is the closest i have found to the jacket of my dreams. The black one of course.

It is the new Kenneth Cole collection. How gorgeous is that PURPLE?? (and at almost $500 is such wishful thinking)

The drape of the Marciano top is so cute and original without being overwhelming. Would be perfect for spring.

I love the style and color of this Esprit dress. Can all ready see it on my hot bod walking downtown and out to the bars.
Now i just have to get the money to fund all these purchases. . .
sweet weekend
What an awesome three day weekend it was! Friday i hit the mall with my sister after work-we had such grand plans of finding some end of season deals on boots only to be horribly disappointed by the sad selection. Jennifer hosted me for dinner. Was quite fun pasta fest. My tolerance for alcohol was absolutely demolished by my recent flu episode. One glass of white wine and i was on the floor with the Sandman. Saturday i was absolutely lazy until 2 in the afternoon when the universe kicked my butt in action and i had to run to my mom's house crawl out onto her roof to clean out all this debris that was blocking the gutters and causing rain to seep into the house. I got crazy filthy but was delighted in my flexibilty to crawl out a window in a stairwall and not tumble off the roof. I rushed around and dyed my hairs and got all cute to ren de vous in Palo Alto for dinner. The Sake bombs everyone was anticipating at Miyakes never came. The wait got to be way way way too ridiculous. Luckily everyone was in a party mood and a trip to the Slicery was just as fun. Love hanging out with Carol and her friends (such a chill group). Thankfully the SUN made it out this weekend. I strolled the Santana Row with my mum on Sunday. I got the sweetest deal at Anthropolgie cute cute green shirt that drapes to reveal some lace and this purple half top all for only $30. Am sporting the purple top today and am looking JUST FABULOUS. Reggie and i got to hang out the rest of Sunday. Ended up driving her to the city where we had dinner at some middle easteren place in the city. Food is always better when there are belly dancers. it is just a fact. I made a return trip to the city with carol yesterday for more shopping. We only made it to Forever 21 and H & M but for $40 i got a blue tank top, brown halter, 2 sets of earrings and two packs of hairclips. Fashion doesnt need to be expansive to be done right. Tonight Jennifer and I are trying out new class at the gym Pilates. am anticipating the death of my abs-hope it doesnt hurt to sit up tomorrow. Afterwards i am meeting up with KT for a new Gilmore girls episode. Wonder if rory or lane will be the first to get back with the guy they just broke up with.
My Idol
I was really hoping to find male version of the usual Friday fashion failures but A) I really don't care about looking at men's clothes online since they are all on headless mannequins and B) it was way way to freakin hard since J Lo doesn't have a mens line yet. So instead Here is a Homage to the Sexiest Bastard in the WORLD.

Takes a real man to make a entire look just out of accessories.

Oh my gawd I could just eat his cheekbones up with some gravy.

Makes even under-eye bags HOT!
Soo Sooo Bad but feels so soo Good.
Hope ya'll enjoyed that as much as i did. Monday i will scrounge for a horrible ensamble to dazzle us all with.
Have a great weekend everybody.

Takes a real man to make a entire look just out of accessories.

Oh my gawd I could just eat his cheekbones up with some gravy.

Makes even under-eye bags HOT!

Hope ya'll enjoyed that as much as i did. Monday i will scrounge for a horrible ensamble to dazzle us all with.
Have a great weekend everybody.
Hyper Sensative

Fuck my ribs are killing me whenever i cough. time to get those useless bones removed. It has been a thoroughly irritating day. My co-workers decided to have a two hour whisper session in the hallway after the hour long loud ass conversation held in one of their offices which doesnt mean i still cant hear them chirping at each other like birds. And they have NOTHING interesting to say EVER well wait was Nanny 911 on last night??? that seems to be their favorite topic right after DisneyLand. Ugh christ it is so annoying. My hair clips that i used to keep back my unruly mass have been flung down onto the desk after digging into my head for three hours. I can only take so much pain for hair-do matainence. I can tell i am building up a immunity to daywuil since it no longer has the bliss numbing effect of coating all my senses with cotton and making every think have a nice whispy cloudy outline to it. I am really not interested in dealing with raw reality just yet. Maybe my flu will relapse. One can only Hope.
Shit is Bananas
In the manner of the project runway panel, a judging eagle eyed snarky group was gathered at my house last night for the latest episode. The infamous Jimmy, T-shirt designer Jerry, International swimsuit Model Jennifer and Kleenex tester Me.

SOoo once again Banana Republic got a mad hour of endorsment (rightly deserved for sponsoring the show) on Project Runway last night. Not only did everyone have to pair themselves up (such flash backs to junior high science lab time) but they also had to design a store window for their creation in only an hour. I am suprised that Nick didn't spend that hour with all those craft supplies making signs that said "Has anyone seen my dick?" since it seems to have dropped off the face of the earth the MOMENT he was paired with Santino. He soo let himself get railroaded into an awful design because Santino has such a "winning" record with the judges. A big mouth doesn't mean talent Nick, no matter how gay you are. Unfortunately this pic doesnt show the awfully large boxy jacket that is put on top to make it "office" appropriate.I soo wish i could post the sound byte of Santino telling THE MICHAEL KORS that no one knows who he is. Stupid stupid Stupid Santino.

Marla and Diana were the obvious losers from the word GO. One is a void of orginality and style and the other has a spine made out of boiled asparagus. I am sure Marla is relieved to be able to go back to her life as the coolest Soccer mom shopping at Wal-Mart. And Diana can go back to her life as the coolest girl at the Sixth Grade Science Fair. As for the tough love that Zulema was dishing out to Kara, i am surprised that girl didn't run to her Mommy. I would mock Kara more but i think the reruns of her crying like a preteen at a Ryan Cabrera concert is enough.

Since the groups were paired they also had to select one girl to be their model. I never realized what a THUG grrrl Zulema had but jesus she is such a jenny from the block.
One of the best features of the bravotv.com site is the auctions that take place on the items made for each of the challenges. Kinda funny how Nick and Santino's creation was almost axed but has the highest bid of any of the outfits (so far $250) however the one that will actually be available in Banana Republic stores is a close second with $225. Always amusing to see what people will drop a lot of money on.I am willing to lay money down the Emmett may be the next to go. He has yet to win anything, lead a project or be really creative. Just a hunch but we will see what happens next weds.

SOoo once again Banana Republic got a mad hour of endorsment (rightly deserved for sponsoring the show) on Project Runway last night. Not only did everyone have to pair themselves up (such flash backs to junior high science lab time) but they also had to design a store window for their creation in only an hour. I am suprised that Nick didn't spend that hour with all those craft supplies making signs that said "Has anyone seen my dick?" since it seems to have dropped off the face of the earth the MOMENT he was paired with Santino. He soo let himself get railroaded into an awful design because Santino has such a "winning" record with the judges. A big mouth doesn't mean talent Nick, no matter how gay you are. Unfortunately this pic doesnt show the awfully large boxy jacket that is put on top to make it "office" appropriate.I soo wish i could post the sound byte of Santino telling THE MICHAEL KORS that no one knows who he is. Stupid stupid Stupid Santino.

Marla and Diana were the obvious losers from the word GO. One is a void of orginality and style and the other has a spine made out of boiled asparagus. I am sure Marla is relieved to be able to go back to her life as the coolest Soccer mom shopping at Wal-Mart. And Diana can go back to her life as the coolest girl at the Sixth Grade Science Fair. As for the tough love that Zulema was dishing out to Kara, i am surprised that girl didn't run to her Mommy. I would mock Kara more but i think the reruns of her crying like a preteen at a Ryan Cabrera concert is enough.

Since the groups were paired they also had to select one girl to be their model. I never realized what a THUG grrrl Zulema had but jesus she is such a jenny from the block.
One of the best features of the bravotv.com site is the auctions that take place on the items made for each of the challenges. Kinda funny how Nick and Santino's creation was almost axed but has the highest bid of any of the outfits (so far $250) however the one that will actually be available in Banana Republic stores is a close second with $225. Always amusing to see what people will drop a lot of money on.I am willing to lay money down the Emmett may be the next to go. He has yet to win anything, lead a project or be really creative. Just a hunch but we will see what happens next weds.
Sleeping Beauty
After a day of sleep and orange juice, I was able to crawl into work today. This Flu just kicked my ass yesterday. I may be beaten but i am not dead (only feels that way). At least being sick means no guilt about skipping the gym for the next couple of days and since i am not really eating that balances out nicely. I have now run out of tissues brb while i go steal some from a coworkers office. Ahhh corporate thievery -never gets old!
Ohh Speaking of Orange Juice i forgot to put this LINK up last time. Makes up for all those years of lousy stick figures.
There is finally a new LOST on tonight which will lead nicely into another episode of Project Runway. (from the preview everyone is being paired up and 2 people are being kicked off tongiht gasp!)
So i have been going shoe shopping like a fiend lately. Picked up a pair of cute slingbacks at Banana Republic for a steal (would have gladly plastered a pic of them but my janky ass system doesnt use internet explorer so i no longer can access banana's website.) I am still eagerly waiting for the arrival of my Kenneth Cole ones that i bought at bluefly. Am not sure how much being on the bluefly mailing list is going to come back to bite me in the ass. Despite my addiction to footwear and deep love of flipflops, I have found something that i will DEFINITELY never EVER purchase.
Ohh Speaking of Orange Juice i forgot to put this LINK up last time. Makes up for all those years of lousy stick figures.
There is finally a new LOST on tonight which will lead nicely into another episode of Project Runway. (from the preview everyone is being paired up and 2 people are being kicked off tongiht gasp!)
So i have been going shoe shopping like a fiend lately. Picked up a pair of cute slingbacks at Banana Republic for a steal (would have gladly plastered a pic of them but my janky ass system doesnt use internet explorer so i no longer can access banana's website.) I am still eagerly waiting for the arrival of my Kenneth Cole ones that i bought at bluefly. Am not sure how much being on the bluefly mailing list is going to come back to bite me in the ass. Despite my addiction to footwear and deep love of flipflops, I have found something that i will DEFINITELY never EVER purchase.

That's my quote for this monday. Woke up totally ill and am suffering the flu chills and aches right now. But since i am a trooper, i still went into work. Unfortunately the day-quil hit me harder than usual and i dumped half a cup of coffee on my keyboard. Which, by the way, isnt really good for it. Actually had to WALK and get a replacement. The conditions here are quite intolerable sometimes. I skipped eating to go and nestle down on my mom's futon for an hour (too bad she wasn't home to make me soup and grilled cheese sandwiches like when i was 8). The lion cub pic is here to cheer me up. is working pretty well but still no cheese sandwich.
Thought i would try something new and toss you all some enjoyable Vanity quotes. Most are guaranteed to look just awesome on a T-shirt.
I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? -Jean Kerr
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. -Oscar Wilde
The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues. -Elizabeth Taylor
It is a sign of a weak mind to be unable to bear wealth. -Seneca
Nothing is so hideous as an obsolete fashion. -Henri B. Stendhal
Dressing is a matter of taste, and I've met very few Republicans with good taste. -Willie Brown
Love of Beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes. -Robert A. Heinlein
Style, is like a frog: You can dissect the thing, but it somehow dies in the process -Arthur Quinn
Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase. -Erma Bombeck
In a project Runway season 1, my personal favorite is still alive and thriving in the fashion biz.
Date Night
Oskar and i have a prom date night ahead of us. Make-overs at MAC, dinner downtown and then a show at the Improv. Wish i had the time to arrange a classy stretch Hummer limo to escort us around town in. So glad this work week is coming to an end. Boredom ages you like nothing else.I think i am 278 in work years.
Here is the much anticipated Friday Fashion Show. Please keep all hands and feet inside the car while moving through this Catwalk of Errors, so hard to point and laugh at the clueless when you are missing a hand.
Here is the much anticipated Friday Fashion Show. Please keep all hands and feet inside the car while moving through this Catwalk of Errors, so hard to point and laugh at the clueless when you are missing a hand.